
The trip was taking quite some time to say the least. A few stops at towns along the way kept their supplies in good repair but with little action they were slowly getting bored. The symbiot had at one point on the trip even contemplated asking D to cut him off so he could find something exciting to do but had, at second thought, decided against that course of action.

“How far did that merchant say the next town was?” Katrina asked D as she rode alongside him, the little girl asleep infront of her.

“We should reach it by nightfall,”D replied quietly, not even looking at Kat.

“Oh,”she said quietly as she picked up that he just wanted to be left alone. Facing the road again she settled into the same boring routine she’d been forced into for most of the trip. Leave D alone, tend to their ‘daughter’ when she needed it, and on the most rare of occasions, talk to the symbiot for a moment before D shut it up.

All in all the trip was wearing on Kat horribly. D was acting as if for the most part he wanted nothing to do with her or the little girl now and nothing seemed to break him from his constant thoughts. He refused to sleep most of the time, merely resting himself as he sat thinking while they slept. She wasn’t sure what was going on in his head but she was sure she probably wouldn’t like it too much.

At about an hour to dusk they were closer to the village and could see the lights on the horizon. They also saw to the left of the road a group of youths kicking something and shouting curses at it.

“Stupid freak!” A boy with long dirty blonde hair said as he brutally kicked the humanesque form in the head. A low moan issued from the body as D and Katrina rode over for a closer look.