
They had riden silently for most of the trip which was going on 3 weeks. Their supplies were reaching the point where they’d need to find a town before another week passed but for the moment they were ok. Thankfully also the nights had also been kind to them, offering no rain or other problems to hinder their sleeping outside by the edge of the road. The symbiot had managed to keep his snide comments to himself throughout most of the trip, occasionally earning a harsh glare from D for something he said when he conversed with Kat which he did often. As the sun fell it marked the end of the third week, Kat spoke up as they set up as much camp as they could.

“So about how far’s the next town?”

D shrugged and continued setting up camp as he replied,”2 days or so.”

She looked in her saddlebags then back at him, nodding as she unrolled a blanket to sleep on.

“Allright,”she said,”We’re going to have to restock our supplies.”

D nodded and sat down quietly, leaning against a tree as she sat on her blanket.

“So have you heard anything about the next town? Anything we might be hired to do?”

“It’s a poor town,”D explained,”The vampires don’t want anything from them.”

She stretched and yawned,”Oh well hopefully we’ll at least be able to interact with some other people. All this silence’s starting to get to me.”

“You need to learn to appreciate the silence,”D said quietly.

The symbiot snickered and retorted snidely,”Maybe you need to learn to appreciate some conversation D.”

Kat grinned and hid it slightly behind her hand as she said,”You have to admit that some conversation is good. It keeps things from getting boring.”

D sat quietly as she looked at him, laying down. She turned to lay on her side, facing him as she sighed quietly and prepared to go to sleep.

“You really don’t like talking do you?”she asked,”Even to me...”

“Actions speak far louder than words,”he replied quietly.

She sighed again, laying on her back as she closed her eyes.

“Pity,”she muttered quietly,”All we do is ride in silence. That’s not saying much.”

“So what do you want to talk about?” D asked and she sat up, giving him a surprised look.

“What’s been on your mind while we’ve been traveling,”she asked,”You’ve been quiet the whole time...”

D shrugged and simply stated,”Nothing of importance. Where we have come from, where we are going.”

She stood and walked over to him, sitting beside him as she asked with a smile,”So where are we going?”

D shrugged and she sighed, looking down a bit.

“Ok,”she said, looking up at him again,”So have you ever thought of taking a break from all the fighting?”

“What would I do,”he asked simply and quietly.

“I don’t know,”she said with a shrug,”Maybe just relax for a while... Go somewhere to relax for a while. Sort of like a vacation or something.”

“There is no vacation from this job,”D said as a reminder to her.

“I know.. I know... But still, sometimes you just have to take some time to relax. You know, it’s ok to have a life of your own sometimes,”she explained as she looked at him, her head tilted slightly, her hair spilling slightly over her eyes.

D looked out at her from under his hat as he remained quiet and she comtinued, smiling a little more,”It is ok at times. Contrary to what you might think.. I mean I know it’s our destiny to hunt vampires but still.....”

As she looked at him she gently laid a hand on his shoulder. D glanced down at her his own hand slowly moving to touch and hold her own. She smiled at him, moving a little closer.

“Do you want to try it?” She asked,”See what it’s like?”

“What are you talking about?” D asked.

She grinned and simply said,”Taking a break for a short while.”

D was silent and she shook her head, moving to pull away a little.

“Nevermind. Stupid idea on my part,”she said quietly as she went to move her hand from his shoulder and his own hand.

“Sometime,”he said quietly,”but not now.”

She looked back at him, her face expressing surprise,”Ok.”

She smiled and D merely nodded. As night fell, they slept under the stars Kat with a content smile on her face.

Onto Chapter 1

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